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Colleagues Working in Office

Project Phases

5-Day Workshop: Welcome


Identifying an Educational Problem and a Proposed Solution


The series of tasks for this phase the following 

  1. LearningIssue: Describe the nature of the learning issue identified. What evidence do you have that this is a real problem? Keep in mind that the next bulleted item goes hand-in-hand with identifying the instructional issue. You cannot discuss the learning issue without thoroughly knowing the students and the school context where this learning issue exists.

  2. Description of the school/organization and population you will work with: You will need to provide enough details to provide context for the environment where you will be implementing your technology-based instructional solution. Omit any names that would identify the organization and individuals you are working with.

  3. individuals involved: Describe the members of the school population the problem affects, and who will be involved in the project. This includes more than just the students.

  4. Approval: You must secure approval to work in the school. Typically, this is confirmation from the school administrator. This can be through an email.

  5. Technology-based solution: Describe what you plan to do to address the instructional issue you identified. You will need to clearly describe the technology you will implement along with how the technology will be used to tackle the learning issue.

  6. ​Research-based Evidence: What evidence do you have that supports the solution you have chosen? You will support your decision based on the research literature. You will need to provide a synthesis of the literature (10 research-based articles). You will discuss the findings of the literature—compare and contrast what the literature indicates about your solution. You need to show research-based evidence that your solution has the potential to be successful. This is a review of the literature. Again, the purpose is to show that the technology-based solution that you are proposing has promised to help positively impact the learning issue you identified. This should flow with the rest of the phase. It is not a separate document.

5-Day Workshop: CV

Creating Objectives and Assessment Materials

The series of tasks for this phase the following:

  1. Objectives: You will create learning objectives that will help you measure whether your students were able successful in meeting the learning issue you identified. These learning objectives will guide your instruction including the use of the technology-based solution you identified.

  2. Measurement Methods: These are all matched to the learning objectives and will be effective ways of measuring learning success. These are your assessments. You will describe the assessments you have developed.

  3. Copies of the Instruments: These are the actual assessments you used. You should include copies of all assessment instruments and rubrics (if applicable) that you have described.

5-Day Workshop: CV

Developing an Implementation Plan & Preparing the Environment

Phase 3a: Developing an Implementation Plan

  1. Description of instructional strategies and methods: You will describe the instruction that will be carried out using the technology-based solution in order to help meet the learning objectives you identified in Phase 2. Be specific with the types of instructional strategies and differentiation methods you are using. It should be clear how these will be effective in carrying out the learning objectives.

  2. Meeting diverse needs: Describe how you plan to adapt the strategies and methods to meet the individual learning needs of each student. It is not appropriate to say you do not have individuals with diverse learning needs. Every classroom has students with different needs (ethnic/racial groups, English Language Learners and students with exceptionalities) whether these needs are formally identified.


Phase 3b: Preparing the Environment

  1. Technology Resources Description: Give a complete description of hardware, software, and other resources needed to carry out the project.

  2. Accessplan:Makeitclearhowthestudentswillgainaccesstothese resources. Be sure to include adaptations you are making for students with special needs (e.g., those with physical disabilities).

  3. Copies of Instructional Materials: Include copies of instructional materials (digital and non-digital) you have gathered and designed to support the project. The materials you have developed should follow solid instructional and visual design principles. These are different than the assessments you have developed.

  4. Logistical plan: Describe how you will address any logistical issues you anticipate for your project.

5-Day Workshop: CV

Implementation of Solution

  1. Prior to implementation, make certain you have determined how you will collect the data necessary to show whether your solution has been successful or not. You will need to discuss how you plan on gathering and securing the data you need to determine student success.

  2. During implementation, you should keep a record of what took place during the implementation (i.e., what actually happened in the classroom). Keep good notes because as part of Phase 5 you will summarize what took place. You should document on a daily basis what took place.

5-Day Workshop: CV

Lesson 5 (Day 5)

Phase 5
Documenting Project Outcomes and Recommending Revisions

  1. Summary Data: Provide a summary of the implementation of your project. In your summary, provide your overall findings. You can provide lists, charts, tables, and other appropriate elements to summarize your data. These should be well formatted and designed to communicate the information clearly. In this section, you are describing what took place without interpretation.

  2. Data interpretation: Give an accurate, clearly written interpretation of what the data show (e.g., outcomes have or have not been accomplished and why; impact on diverse students).

  3. Recommendations: Part 1 - Make recommendations for revisions to the instructional strategies and method you have used along with the technology-based solution you implemented. These recommendations should be explained in light of your findings.

  4. Recommendations: Part 2 - Make recommendations for how you might get others to adopt your innovation.

  5. Recommendations:Part3-Discussrecommendationsyouhavefor future research. What research would you like to continue on with based on what you discovered? What research do you suggest others conduct based on what you discovered?

  6. ​

5-Day Workshop: CV
5-Day Workshop: CV
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